
15 December 2017

Agnesa Vuthaj “transformohet” në një bionde, nuk njihet në fotot e fundit…

Agnesa Vuthaj është një nga femrat më atraktive shqiptare dhe këtë e tregon në çdo postim dhe dalje publike.

Së fundmi, ajo ka realizuar një fotosesion ku promovon linjën e re të veshjeve të saj. Por, e gjithë vëmendja është përqëndruar tek Agnesa dhe jo tek linja e saj e veshjeve sepse ajo është shfaqur si bionde në këtë sesion fotografik.

Ajo duket e mrekullueshme dhe duket se ”trasformimi” ka qënë zgjedhja e duhur.

Having a blonde moment ❣️ #photography @fioralbakryemadhi #makeup @sellmakasumoviq #hairstyle @kacilleshi

Un post condiviso da Agnesa Vuthaj (@agnesavuthaj) in data:

Meet Evelyn in Crimson Rose. She is vibrant, spacious, soft and invigorating. Strong, yet very light – a beautiful contradiction. If you’re looking for a bag suited for all your daily hustles, including your laptop, you’ve found the right one. It’s the perfect companion for most of the days occasions. She is born in Milano, Italy with hand mastery in design and craftsmanship. Made with finest leather, naturally, and we love the way that vegetable tanned leather ages with grace and character. Her sensitive elegance allows for it to become a canvas for many generations, writing their own stories. It carries the marks and stains of every day life, makes every single bag unique and tells a story. Your story. It includes two gorgeous water-snake straps, ergonomically designed for comfort and style. A Clutch inside with zipper and all brass hardware. Handbag: 40" L x 12" W x 30" H Clutch: 31" L x 21" H Photo @fioralbakryemadhi Makeup @sellmakasumoviq Hairstylist @kacilleshi

Un post condiviso da Agnesa Vuthaj (@agnesavuthaj) in data:


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