Publikohen fotot zyrtare nga pagëzimi i princit Louis dhe janë të adhurueshme
Princi Louis u pagëzua ditën e hënë, më 9 korrik. Pikërisht gjatë kësaj dite, për herë të parë Duka dhe Dukesha e Kembrixhit si dhe tre fëmijët e tyre u panë së bashku si një familje. Janë publikuar edhe fotot familjare nga pagëzimi i princit Louis dhe duken të adhurueshme.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have released four official photographs to mark the christening of Prince Louis on Monday 9th July.
The photographs were taken by Matt Holyoak at Clarence House, following Prince Louis's christening.
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) July 15, 2018
Imazhet u morën nga fotografi i famshëm, Matt Holyoak, pas pagëzimit në The Chapel Royal në Pallatin e Shën Jakobit.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with Members of the @RoyalFamily in the Morning Room at Clarence House, following Prince Louis’s christening.
📷 by Matt Holyoak.
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) July 15, 2018
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with Members of the @RoyalFamily in the Morning Room at Clarence House, following Prince Louis’s christening.
📷 by Matt Holyoak.
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) July 15, 2018
“Të gjithë ishin kaq të relaksuar, ishte një kënaqësi absolute,” është shprehur Holyoak.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, following Prince Louis’s christening.
📷 by Matt Holyoak.
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) July 15, 2018
The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Louis in the garden at Clarence House, following Prince Louis’s christening.
📷 by Matt Holyoak.
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) July 15, 2018