
27 January 2019

Ed Sheeran sapo ka lancuar linjën e kitarave akustike!

Mesa duket Ed sapo ka realizuar një ëndërr të cilën e kishte në ”sirtar” prej kohësh.

Këngëtari britanikka lançuar linjën e vet me kitara akustike, të realizuara në mënyrë artizanale, punim me dorë.

Njoftimin e bëri përmes një videoje, të publikuar në “Instagram”.

“Sheeran Guitars by Lowden” është një bashkëpunim me biznesmenin irlandez George Lowden, i njohur për kitarat e tij cilësore.

Linja formohet nga 8 kitara të ndara në dy tipe, S e W, të gjitha të realizuara me dru të padëmshëm për ambientin.

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I grew up wanting to play Lowden guitars, but they were so rare and so expensive I didn’t end up getting one til I was given one by my friend Gary from Snow Patrol in 2012. Through Gary I met George Lowden and he started making my tour guitars for me, which were amazing both on stage and in the studio. We have been talking for years about trying to make a guitar that was as amazing as a Lowden but in a price point that was the same as the regular guitar companies, and also be made in Ireland. We never thought it was possible, but George and his team managed it. I’m so honoured to launch our new guitar brand, Sheeran guitars by Lowden. These are without a doubt the best guitars at their price point, and just a joy to play. I hope you love them as much as me. Link is in my bio x

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