
13 January 2018

Eliza Dushku i rikthehet setit të xhirimeve për filmin “Mapplethorpe”

Eliza Dushku është një ndër artistet më të suksesshme shqiptare në rrafshin ndërkombëtar. Aktorja ka vite të tëra që po bën një karrierë prej artisteje në industrinë amerikane të filmit hollivudian.

Bukuroshja pas një pauze gjashtë mujore zbulon se i është kthyer setit të xhirimeve filmike duke mos treguar arsyen e mungesës.

Eliza është pjesë e kastës së filmit Mapplethorpe, i cili i takon zhanrit të filmave dokumentar. Filmi është një vështrim i jetës së fotografit Robert Mapplethorpe, nga ngritja në famë në vitet 1970 deri në vdekjen e parakohshme në vitin 1989.

Përveç aktores shqiptare, në rolin kryesor do të shfaqet aktori Matt Smith ndërsa regjisori i kësaj krijimtarie është Ondi Timoner.

Dear followers. It has been a while since our last update as working on the film has kept us quite busy during the past 6 months. Here’s where we are at right now. We’re happy to tell you that with the film fully shot we are deep into the edit and post-production process. We are extremely happy with what we captured in production and look forward to sharing some exclusive content with you very soon. We are now re-activating this channel to give you more info about the movie and to share some great behind the scenes material in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned everyone! ?? #MapplethorpeMovie #mapplethorpe #robertmapplethorpe #mattsmith #mattsmithlovers #film #featurefilm #makingof #filmmaking #indiefilm #biopic #supportindiefilm

Un post condiviso da Mapplethorpe Movie ? (@mapplethorpemovie) in data:

We’re back up w/ new updates starting on the regular #Mapplethorpe enthusiasts!! ? #Repost FOLLOW & ?: @MapplethorpeMovie ・・・ Dear followers. It has been a while since our last update as working on the film has kept us quite busy during the past 6 months. Here’s where we are at right now. We’re happy to tell you that with the film fully shot we are deep into the edit and post-production process. We are extremely happy with what we captured in production and look forward to sharing some exclusive content with you very soon. We are now re-activating this channel to give you more info about the movie and to share some great behind the scenes material in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned everyone! ?? #MapplethorpeMovie #mapplethorpe #robertmapplethorpe #mattsmith #mattsmithlovers #film #featurefilm #makingof #filmmaking #indiefilm #biopic #supportindiefilm

Un post condiviso da Official Eliza Dushku (@elizadushku) in data:


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