
21 June 2018

Instagram vjen me risi të reja, aplikacioni IGTV, iu lejon postimin e videove 60 minutëshe

Instagram po shndërrohet në një nga rrjetet sociale më të përdorura. Ai po bëhet gjithmonë e më shumë praktik sidomos me inovacionet dhe risitë e reja që sjell për përdoruesit.

Kompania së fundmi ka publikuar një aplikacion të ri të quajtur IGTV, përmes të cilit do të keni mundësi të ngarkoni video deri në një orë. Video-t do të shfaqen të plota në ekran dhe do të jenë më të gjata.

Hyrja në IGTV bëhet nëpërmjet dy mënyrave: ose përmes butonit që ndodhet lart në të djathtë të llogarisë ose duke shkarkuar programin më vete. Pasi është ndjekur njëra prej këtyre dy rrugëve do mund të shihen video që zgjasin deri në një orë. Gjithashtu mund të ngarkohen edhe video-t aty.

Ekzistojnë katër kategori të ndryshme për videot-t: For You, Following, Popular dhe Countinue Watching. Gjithashtu do të ketë edhe kanale personale të VIP-ave, si Selena Gomez apo Kim Kardashian, të cilat pritet që të jenë edhe më aktive se më parë.

From our CEO @kevin: “Today, we have two big announcements to share. First, Instagram is now a global community of one billion! Since our launch in 2010, we’ve watched with amazement as the community has flourished and grown. This is a major accomplishment — so from all of us at Instagram, thank you! Second, we’re announcing our most exciting feature to date: IGTV, a new app for watching long-form, vertical video from your favorite Instagram creators, like LaurDIY (@laurdiy) posting her newest project or King Bach (@kingbach) sharing his latest comedy skit. While there’s a stand-alone IGTV app, you’ll also be able to watch from within the Instagram app so the entire community of one billion can use it from the very start. IGTV is different in a few ways. First, it’s built for how you actually use your phone, so videos are full screen and vertical. Also, unlike on Instagram, videos aren’t limited to one minute. Instead, each video can be up to an hour long. We made it simple, too. Just like turning on the TV, IGTV starts playing as soon as you open the app. You don’t have to search to start watching content from people you already follow on Instagram and others you might like based on your interests. You can swipe up to discover more — switch between “For You,” “Following,” “Popular” and “Continue Watching.” You can also like, comment and send videos to friends in Direct. Also like TV, IGTV has channels. But, in IGTV, the creators are the channels. When you follow a creator on Instagram, their IGTV channel will show up for you to watch. Anyone can be a creator — you can upload your own IGTV videos in the app or on the web to start your own channel. Instagram has always been a place to connect with the people who inspire, educate and entertain you every day. With your help, IGTV begins a new chapter of video on Instagram. We hope it brings you closer to the people and things you love. IGTV will be rolling out globally over the next few weeks on iOS and Android.

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