
10 August 2017

Joe Budden dhe e dashura e tij në pritje të fëmijës së parë

Joe Budden dhe e dashura e tij Cyn Santana janë në pritje të fëmijës së tyre të parë.. Këtë të mërkurë çifti ndau në rrjete sociale lajmin e bukur të cilin secili prej tyre e shoqëroi me fjalë të ndjera. Cyn shkruajti: “Bekimi im më i madh…Në emër të dashurisë. Faleminderit Zot!”.
Ndërkohë Joe e shoqëroi foton me një shkrim edhe më të gjatë e plot dashuri e mirënjohje.

I Never…. I never knew we’d get here, it’s funny… I never saw you in that light. Now I never see light without you. I never courted you, an if I did I never acknowledged it. I never had a friend in romance. I never thought that was possible. I never have laughed this much or hard. I never knew you or your energy were so radiant, enigmatic even…. but I never knew you………. I never could’ve been more deprived. I never felt this way before. I never not thank God for every intricate detail that make you whole. It makes me whole. I never imagined you would be as beautiful as you are today, it’s beautiful to be a part of. Thank you for it all. Thank you for not only making me stronger, but for being strong enough for us both most times. Thank you for for carrying my child. Thank you for helping me rectify some generational issues, thank you for helping me get it right. Thank you for making that important to you as well. Thank you for every I never Thank you for changing my forever, forever Thank you for hope, joy & acceptance… Because if there’s one thing you’ve taught me is that what tomorrow holds, thank GOD, I never know. I love you. I love y’all. PS – ITS FUCKING LIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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